Circa Waves make a return to the indie circuit with new EP ‘Hell On Earth’

It’s been two years since the Liverpool band released new music.

Photo: Press

When I think of summer tracks, one that will always remain on the long list is T-Shirt Weather. It’s an amalgamation of everything summery and brings that feelgood atmosphere we need. Hell On Earth is classic Circa Waves — if you can say ‘classic’ about a band whose first single came out not even ten years ago.

The titular track brings us upbeat, non-stop catchy lyricism and that 2010s indie spirit. Alike most of their back catalogue, it’s signature to them: you can tell it’s Circa Waves, I wouldn’t have to inform you. Maybe it’s the fact they’re Scousers. Why do no bands from Liverpool sing with their accents?

Honeymoon Rain, the third track from the EP, is reminiscent of a Blossoms song, with that pop tinge they’re known for and repetitive lyrics that make this just another indie song.

Closing out the EP is the fitting Sidetracked, tieing the loose ends together; making this collection of songs one that flows perfectly into the next, never straying anywhere near experimental or pushing boundaries, but being incredibly easy to listen to and generally harmless.

Hell On Earth is out now via Lower Third.

See Circa Waves live:


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