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Arctic Monkeys are back with a brand new single ‘There’d Better Be A Mirrorball’, alongside a dreamy music video for the track

The new era is here with an indescribable new release, setting expectations high for their 7th studio album. 

Photo: Press

The track signifies the beginning of yet another new era for the band and, in terms of sound, it cohesively follows on from their previous album Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino with vintage instrumentation and Alex Turner’s gorgeously romantic vocals. Whilst there has certainly been a shift away from its predecessor, the progression in sound and theme just makes sense. It feels right. The group have grown through their discography and whilst all completely different, each release feels authentic and fitting. 

There’d Better Be A Mirrorball paints a picture of a relationship slowly fading away with time. No dramatics, no fallouts, just people changing. It paints a bittersweet image of sadness and acceptance which packs a punch alongside the strings and lulling bass. It is absolutely, devastatingly beautiful.  

The music video centres itself around Alex Turner’s wistful looks into the vintage lens, cut between dramatic shots of water and pianos. I don’t think anybody is going to be complaining about that. That being said, the video certainly champions the band as a whole and feels very authentic as a juxtaposition from the previous cinematic and glamorous videos accompanying Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino.

This certainly was a surprise with their upcoming album The Car being announced less than a week ago via Instagram and the group only just finishing their time at Reading and Leeds Festival this past weekend. Hopefully there will be more AM-related news before then, though in their usual style they will most likely keep things very quiet. They have certainly set the bar high for their new album and, frankly, October 21st cannot come soon enough.

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