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Crawlers strip things back with single “Hang Me Like Jesus”

The alternative group shares their fourth single from their Loud Without Noise mixtape

Photo: Press

The leaves are starting to turn. It’s getting darker outside. But you still want to go for a walk and listen to a song that’s just moody enough to match the weather but still leaves you with the sense of release you’re craving. Enter Crawlers.

Their new single, Hang Me Like Jesus, is both the perfect poison and antidote for this feeling. I would even go so far as to say it is the quintessential autumn song. An effortless blend of acoustic guitar and sustained backing synth warmly welcomes you into this raw masterpiece before lead singer Holly Mintos gentle yet raspy vocals lead us through this personal journey. 

An incredibly private ode to herself, Minto reveals that the track “was originally written about feeling like a burden to [their] partner when [they] were ill. After the relationship, [they] realized that [they] weren’t being a burden, [they] were just trying to recover.” Vulnerable lyrics pervade the entirety of the track and it’s impossible not to feel like you’re in the deepest corners of Minto’s mind as we learn how Holly “learned to love tears” and “turned up the noise”. 

I think what really struck me about this song was its interesting structure of three verses, chorus, bridge, and chorus. The cyclical simplicity of the music matched with soulful lyrics creates the perfect catalyst for Minto’s voice to grow in both pitch and power through each verse and then into the final chorus. It’s in this final break of the music that they finally seem to break free from the demons and doubts prevalent throughout the song, with the closing lyrics being uttered with a slow chord fade. 

Hang Me Like Jesus is one of four singles to be released ahead of Crawlers’ debut EP Loud Without Noise. The mixtape promises a deep dive into finding the self-acceptance of your body, your sexuality, and your emotions. Buckle up for your musical therapy session, kids. 

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