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Fulvetta share new single ‘Disregard’

Irish shoegazers Fulvetta drop dreamy melancholia in new single ‘Disregard’.

Photo: Press

It’s been a while since shoegaze was all the rage, seemingly left behind in the ‘90s along with the rave scene, flannel shirts and Y2K. Dublin alternative rock group Fulvetta is keen to change that, though. Following the release of Lampshade earlier this year, Disregard – the group’s latest single - is reason enough why this genre should never die.

Disregard is everything shoegaze should be; dreamy, half-formed vocals, effortlessly rolling melodies that never get tired, guitar riffs like butter, and whimsy choruses you can drown yourself in for hours at a time. This track is begging to be played in some cramped little bar somewhere, danced to on a floor soaked in cheap beer and melancholia. Disregard is less a wall of sound, musically, and more a whole of alt rock noise smashing like a battering ram. It works, to say the least. Whatever Fulvetta put their mind to next, if they keep in mind what makes Disregard so good, they’ll have no trouble captivating the crowds.

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