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New York five-piece Monobloc swagger onto the scene with ‘Where Is My Garden’

The band begin their journey.

Photo: Julia Tarantino

Monobloc’s Where Is My Garden has the street-wise, instantly identifiable lyrics of artists like Fender or The Streets, sandwiched between licks from the early 2000s rock movement and the best of modern-day indie. The group, helmed by vocalist Timothy Waldron and bassist Michael Silverglade, fall under the same management of established acts The Strokes and Interpol – and what a good fit it is, too.

In just three minutes, the effortlessly androgynous five-piece from NYC put out one of the most obvious picks for a summertime anthem thus far. A lesson in how the good old-fashioned American indie should be done, Where Is My Garden proves a delectable debut single, and no doubt just a taste of what’s to come.

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