Newcomer SALPA releases debut single ‘England’

SALPA’s debut reflects on his homeland in a gentle, serene track —which is hopefully his first release of many.

Photo: Press

England is an acoustic track, with SALPA on both vocals and guitar; the track is accompanied by synth effects in the background, one of which is a drone which runs throughout the song. The vocals are duplicated and slightly reverbed to give it a more engulfing feel upon listening. 

SALPA’s lyrics include some of his reflections on his country today. One of the ones that stuck out to me was “No free doctor on the ward” giving the song more of a political message rather than just a personal one from himself. 

The song manages to stay engaging throughout even though the pattern is simply two chords repeated throughout the entire song. If there were to be any criticism — and that’s at a push — it would be that a bridge section could be introduced. However, the fact that the song is still engulfing and engaging with only two chords really shows how talented SALPA is as a songwriter. 


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