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Sugarcane share latest track ‘Blondes (Have More Fun)’

The latest track from Robin French and his band of exuberant musicians is the perfect transition into June’s sunny skies

Effortlessly merging British indie style with Brazilian Rhythms, Sugarcane are doing something different and we do love an exciting change of pace at the indie scene. Especially one as cool as this.

You can’t be sad after listening to Blondes (Have More Fun) because it’s such an upbeat and happy song — definitely one for blasting out on the sunny, summery days (hopefully) ahead of us. Grab your friends, your portable speaker and blast this in your local park for everyone to enjoy.

There are still prominent elements of the indie influence, with the guitar playing and in some ways the vocal delivery of the song too.

However, compared with their previous offerings, I would say their Caribbean and samba style really shines more on this track. Not only through the instrumental elements such as the rhythmic drumming, but simple, upbeat lyrics such as “He’ll be there in the good times / And he’ll be there in the bad times” have that feel-good feeling that Caribbean music often radiates. Not to mention what sounds like a flute solo towards the end of the track, adding an extra layer to this well-constructed song and make it that ever-so special. 

Overall, this song can be summed up with one word: groovy. Groovy music, groovy singing & a groovy video to accompany it, what more could you want?