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Escaping into Static Vision’s latest single

Ireland’s Static Vision bless us with their astounding new single, Escape

Photo: Blowtorch Records

Within it’s 4 minute length, Static Vision’s latest single Escape does exactly as the song title suggests; enables listeners to escape their surroundings and be fully immersed within a world created by the band.

Escape starts with melancholic guitar twangs that are accompanied by a gradual instrumental build, immediately encompassing the track’s nostalgic, 90’s, coming-of-age movie feel. Strong vocals are soon to come through, projecting authentic, emotive lyrics. Escape features an unforgettable bridge with extended vocals that pull on your heartstrings, before plunging into an explosively satisfying instrumental chorus.

Towards the end of the track, the lyrics “I just wanna live my life / I just wanna let it shine” are repeated, with the second shine note bridging atop dramatic, frantic shouting. Suddenly, the shouting, vocals, and instrumentals all come to a halt. This gap is filled with speech “Hey, stop that / cut it out man before the instrumentals triumphantly recommence”. This entire interlude adds a great deal of immersion to the listening experience, whilst also expanding on the emotive nature of the lyrics.

The track is rounded off with one last exhilarating guitar moment before coming to an end. Overall, Escape is a remarkably original listening experience that you should be sure not to miss.