FUR unveil their latest track ‘The Fine Line of a Quiet Life’

The ‘60s-tinged Brighton band, who found indie-stardom when one of their videos went viral, share their latest glitzy offering

Photo: Julia Nala

Photo: Julia Nala

FUR release their latest track The Fine Line of a Quiet Life, which comes just in time to move us into sunnier days and take us away from the humdrum parts of a routine heavy life a lot of us have become a little bit too overfamiliar with. 

This newest offering has me feeling upbeat and ready to run around with my friends. The song has a contagious charge that pushes us out of whatever we have come to deem comfortable and gets us ready to take on the next challenge. 

Lyrics like “You find it hard to see that the future’s bright / ‘Cause you just sleep all day and stay up all night / Be safe, be brave, be whatever you like / Just don’t involve me” suggest two people at odds with their current mismatched situations.

FUR’s latest indie track has me feeling excited about the present but also has me longing for something that I can’t quite put my finger on. Consistent and strong strumming, matched with a nostalgic chorus suggest someone moving further and further away from an old comfort that no longer serves them — and I am all for it.


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