SOMOH’s ‘Favourite’ shines a light on how we perceive others

Expressing the desire to “fix” those that exist around you as if reading pages from a diary.

Photo: Oscar Blair

Favourite by SOMOH pulls on the idea of trying to fix people before turning your attention to your own problems. The track acts as a dreamy ode to relationships, weighing up how much to invest in others, even if it is to your detriment.

The ballad by SOMOH, the moniker of Sophia Mohan, is pure bedroom pop. Although seamlessly put together, it adorns the stripped-back production we’ve seen develop over the past few years. This style of record production matches the vibe of Favourite; the singer internalising the feelings she possesses about certain individuals in her life, writing a mental diary that comes to a head in her bedroom studio.

Mohan’s vocal style aids in the delivery of the message of the track. She possesses a dainty, breathy voice that puts focus on the personal feel of the song. The track feels personal; the singer only allowing a glimpse behind the curtain.

Despite the softness of the verses, the chorus gathers intensity, integrating a gritty guitar, adding an almost sinister quality to the track. The crackle of the guitar makes SOMOH’s sentiment of “being your favourite” seem almost threatening as if the singer is watching from afar, imagining a warped view of the future where she and the subject are entangled in a much deeper existence.


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