Swansea’s Taxi Rank reveal their latest track ‘A Piece Of You’

For anyone feeling like their indie summer playlist is missing that final anthem, Taxi Rank has got you covered

Photo: Billy Stillman

Photo: Billy Stillman

A Piece of You is the second work of genius to come out of this five-piece Swansea-born indie rock band this year, and it could be the makings of a very promising EP later down the line. A total contrast to their earlier release, Golden Days, this track has an undeniably upbeat and optimistic groove that is insanely infectious. 

The main message of the song is about learning to be a bit more chill and how to take accountably for your own issues, rather than looking for ways to project them onto other people. The serious moral teachings of the lyrics paired with the feel-good vibe of the song is quite unique, but Taxi Rank do an excellent job of pulling it off. 

The standout in this single for me is the backing vocals of the chorus. There is absolutely nothing I love more than a barbershop quartet style  “ba-da” to offset a refrain and this is, without a doubt, the best example I’ve ever seen in the indie rock genre. I know that seems like the most bizarre sentence you’ve ever read, but trust me on this one. Go listen to it and see for yourself.

The distinction between the two tracks put out by the band this year is astounding. Listen to them in succession and you might even think they were two completely different bands. If that range is anything to go by for their future releases, then I cannot wait to see what they’ll come out with next. 


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